
Friday 11 December 2015

Christmas cards

 Merry Christmas and a happy new year. we have been making Christmas cards and this is what me and Sienna have made.
Highlights for 2015
Fun day
Rainbows End
Miranda hot pools
bake sale
book swap
cultral picnic
Variety show
PCS got talent
class book
pet fish
Ma o Nonu
Technology- Beanbags
EOTC-Massey park pools
Ledger books

Thursday 19 November 2015

Evaluation for our octopus beanbag

Everyone had to do an evaluation about how there beanbags went for technology as a group my group chose to make a purple octopus beanbag.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

How to make an octopus beanbag

If you want to make a fun octopus beanbag watch this slideshow.For our technology topic we decided to make beanbags.After we had made the beanbag we had to make a video on how to make a beanbag.So now you can make your very own fun octopus beanbag.

Monday 2 November 2015


In maths we are learning to find the area of a shape i did this We did a diamond and it all was 10cm and 2 inches and you you times 1 length and with it equals 100cm and 4 inches 1 box equals 12 squares it is 384 squares.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

My Parents

I made a special memory power point because grandparents day is coming up but I had to make one for my parents instead and I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Drop Cover Hold

This week we have learnt a lot about earthquakes especially the Christchurch one. Sienna and i created  on google draw the Drop,Cover and Hold diagram.we then got some sound affects that our teacher saved for us. we put our drawing as a j peg in windows live movie maker. i hope you are ready for the NZ Great shake out Thursday 9.15?.

Friday 18 September 2015

Division problems quiz

In maths I have been learning to solve division problems using multiplication so I made a quiz using google slides for anyone to do.

Friday 11 September 2015


I had to find a picture that represent fire we had done some writing about fire. We did fire as personification and I did fire as a angry female we did this power point so you can know how dangerous fire is and why you should never leave anything cooking or never let children who are about 7-8 and under with                               matches and lighters.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Quality blog commenting

Today I learnt how to use popplet I made a popplet on my top 5 tips on quality blog commenting.

Monday 31 August 2015

Business cards

On Wednesday 2nd September we are having a open class day for the parents to come see what we have been doing on the computer. Me Sienna and Micaiah made business cards on google draw.Some of us emailed our parents and some of us took a card home to give to their parents. We are looking forward to seeing the parents on Wednesday!.

Monday 24 August 2015

My Variety show reflection

Variety Show Reflection

I enjoyed performing in front of lots of parents and learning the dance. I had fun dressing up in our costumes and doing our hair.

I think I got all the right timings for the steps and I smiled the whole way through on all the performances.

What I  found challenging was learning all the steps and getting them correct and in time.

I practiced the dance at home and we also had alot of practice at school to make our dance look perfect on the 2 nights.

I would change some steps if I didnt like them or give a suggestion to change something and try to come up with some steps so I can help more.

Friday 21 August 2015

Our PCS Variety show

Variety Show Dancers

This week has been really busy we've had 4 full performances  on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. Teagan did our makeup for all 4 performances and Mrs P did our hair into buns. I had so much fun performing I think we did a excellent job on all 4 days. The Variety show is finished now on Friday we performed in front of the whole school so we could see the other classrooms performances.

Monday 17 August 2015

Reading retelling a book

I had listen to some videos on story line online.  As part of what we were listening we also how to to see how  they were retold by famous people because our activity was to retell a favorite story of ours. Then I had to pick a book and practice reading it and making eye contact with the camera. Then I recorded ourselves. After that I uploaded the video into Windows live movie maker and saved on my blog. Its the first time i ever used Windows live movie maker I thought it was cool and fun too use and i loved all the special effects and things you could do.

Maths finding a fraction of a number

We have been learning to find a fraction of a number.This is how i worked it out.

Friday 7 August 2015

Making Music covers

our music cover
In room 4 we have been making CD (Music) covers for our variety show that is happening in week 5. I am one of the dancers our song we are doing is E-learners gonna give it to ya. We changed the songs Uptown funk, move and bills into our own versions and made it into a medley. The title is word art and first we took a picture of a few people from each group then Sienna uploaded it on the computer drive. Then we had to cut the image. I made the main cover Ollie helped with cutting the image. 

Friday 31 July 2015

Youth Town Hockey

The Skills To Play Hockey Today youthtown came and taught us some skills for playing hockey they come every 2nd Thursday this term they will be teaching us hockey. the first thing they taught us was to learn how to hold your stick properly you put your left hand on the top of the grip and you right hand on the bottom of the grip. then they teched us ball control we learnt how to dribble the ball how to move it side to side and how to spin the ball around us. They told us to always keep your hockey stick on the ground and if you were playing a real hockey game if you hit the ball with the round/curved side you will be out so you have to use the flat side. You also have to keep your legs apart but not too far only the defender can put their legs far apart.